Thursday, May 3, 2012

Final Cycle: Time for Trigger!!

So, at my appt today the doctor decided that it was time for my HCG trigger shot.....which means that egg retrieval is on Saturday.  We figured this much, so when talking to my coordinator I mentioned that Tony was in a golf outing....but I wasn't thinking that much would come of outings are kind of small in comparison to making babies:)  They called me later this afternoon with my trigger time and retrieval time...drum roll......I have to trigger at 1:30 AM...which means that retrieval is at 12:00 on Saturday.  Couldn't really be a worse time for Tony:(.....he is going to go and golf as many holes as he can, then come to the office at 11:15 (my arrival time), break donation time records-his words, not mine-and then head back to the golf course:)  Owen will stay with Grampa and then Gramma will come with me to be my driver:)

As far as my appt lining is still good (don't remember the number!!) and my follicles are still growing good.  I have 11 total, but that is because a few smaller ones have popped up.  I don't expect them to be much of anything at retrieval though, so still counting on about 7-8 good sized ones.  I guess only time will tell:)

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