Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009-Oh the Places We've Been 2010-Oh the Places We'll Go

When I look back at 2009, so much happened it is hard to imagine at times. I know when the year started I would have never in my wildest dreams believed that we would have a perfect little baby in our lives when it ended. I know I've mentioned this before, but Tony and I were basically to the point of believing that it would only be the two of us as we continued down our path in life. We were ok with that, but of course dreamed about the baby that we had wanted for so long--we just assumed it would always be a dream. I knew that I would probably go through 2 more IVF cycles (what was covered by insurance-although by no means free!!) and then when those were done we would grieve and move on with our lives. We actually even went and got our passports because we were already planning a trip to Mexico over the summer-why would we think that we would be pregnant by then? Then that magical cycle in March came around and it actually worked! I was pregnant! I never thought that I would say those words or get to experience pregnancy, but now I was!

The rest of 2009 seems like a blur now! People always told me that pregnancy went by quickly so I needed to enjoy it--now I know they are right. It seems like only yesterday that Tony and I were buying 2 different pregnancy tests in one day to see if my numbers were rising enough to be detected by them, trying not to get our hopes up in case things didn't turn out the way we wanted them to. Then seeing the little heart flickering on the US machine for the first time, seeing tears in Tony's eyes as we realized that our dream might finally be coming true! Overall I had a great pregnancy, only a few problems with back pain, but when I look back over it-seemingly perfect. Yes the twice weekly doctor's appts got a little draining towards the end, but when all is said and done--very worth it! Then the crowning moment of the year came on Dec. 5th at 5:19pm when Owen Anthony came into the world! Again seeing the tears in Tony's eyes (yes I know your allergies were bad that day!) when he saw his son for the very first time-who could ask for a better end to the year than that?!?!

Now as I look forward into 2010 I only see bright spots and good times. We now have this perfect baby boy who we will get to see grow-up (although hopefully not too quickly!!). We will get to experience all of his milestones together--already had his first smile on New Year's Day! I can't wait to see as his personality develops and he finds his voice! It is already hard to believe that he has been with us for 1 month-time is really flying by quickly now. Everyday he is changing and growing and as each day turns into a week, which turns into a month, it will be amazing to see him through them all. One major milestone for Tony and I will happen this year as well--we will celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary in June! Hard to believe that it has been 10 years--seems like only yesterday that we were getting engaged! In my mind, 2010 will be our best year yet--our first one as a family!

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