Friday, June 17, 2011

18 months

Sorry for the delay in posting. Our computer was on the fritz and we had to take it in to be I just got it back:)
Here are his stats from his appt last week:
Height: 33 1/2 inches (75%-90%)
Weight: 23lbs 9ozs (10%-25%)
Head: 49 cm (75%)
Overall he continues to be a tall skinny boy. We were happy that his weight was back up into the 10%-25% range. He still continues to be a good, healthy eater so we are pleased with that. He still has not been big into meat, but recently he has been eating more with us at dinner. Cheese, vegetables, and fruit continue to be his favorites:) He is talking more and more which is really neat to hear.
His appt went well and he checked out healthy. He had a little fluid in his right ear and the doctor was waiting to hear what would be happening as a result of our ENT appointment (which was today...more on that in another post). Unfortunately earlier this week he came down with a fever and a pretty nasty cough. We took him into the doctor and the fluid had turned into another ear he is on antibiotics now. We were definitely ready to get into the ENT at this point!
He is a growing and happy boy...who is still mostly a momma's boy! Daddy feels a little left out sometimes, but I keep reminding him that he loves him and pretty soon he'll be outside playing sports with daddy and leaving mommy on the sidelines:)
Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks:
He loves to lay sideways in his crib....this is the result:) And we love how he shoves his little blankets underneath him!

He has been more insistent on doing things himself lately, especially when it comes to feeding himself. Here is one of the first nights using a spoon and eating yogurt.

He did pretty good, but you can see by the end he had it everywhere....even up by his eyes!
I had a peach for lunch one day and he had to have one too...of course, all by himself:)

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